ZOOM resources
All of the PZC meetings have been ZOOM meetings. We expect this to continue.
It is extremely important for you to communicate your opposition to the PZC. You do not get to vote but you do get to let the PZC know your position. You need to RAISE YOUR HAND at the ZOOM meeting a voice your opposition. Your comments do not need to be long or complicated.
Let us know if you need help with ZOOM. Send ua an email at keepashfordrural@gmail.com.
How to join a Zoom meeting through a web browser
You don't need to install any extra software to join or even host a Zoom meeting. You can do it all through a web browser.
Click on the meeting invite URL that the host shared via email or text.
A new tab will open on your preferred web browser. If you don't have the Zoom desktop app installed, the page will urge you to download the app.
Ignore that and skip down to the small print: "If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser."
Click the highlighted text in "join from your browser".
Sign in with your name to join the meeting.
How to Raise Your Hand in a ZOOM Meeting:
Here is a great link on How To Raise Your Hand in Zoom- https://www.pickleai.com/blog/how-to-raise-your-hand-in-zoom-new-guide-for-pc-mac-mobile#How-To-Raise-Hand-in-Zoom
How To Raise Your Hand in Zoom on Windows | macOS
1. During a meeting, click on the icon labeled "Reactions" in the toolbar on the bottom center of your screen.
2. As a participant, a new window should pop out on your screen after clicking "Reaction". At the bottom of it (bottom right of the screen), you should see the button labeled "Raise Hand." Click that button.
3. You’ll know your hand is raised as a participant when you see an emoji hand on the screen next to your name.
You will also see a similar "raised hand" icon in the top right-hand corner of the Zoom screen.
4. Lower your hand by clicking the same "Raise hand" button on the screen as before, which now says "Lower Hand."